guess to the what styles! sadly i am not going to san fran, i am instead headed back home to new york state style (the same state that you live in ) in sept, like the 5th or so. SO that means that little cupid styles will probably be visiting you soon!!! HHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! oh hell yea! i am doing well i guess dealing with the fact that v leaves for espana this tuesday and that i have no friends in the city of albany, well actually 2 but they are nothing like my loves from m. this is short as well but basically i will see you soon, very soon. i hope your real job life style is treating you way well. i think i wll send you a shirt that says "cupid loves me", so that you can wear it until i reach you in nyc. i will give you info when i get there, address and number and all that. and actually i can proabably call you soon. so i will do that. oh and very soon i am shaving head which i am way excited about, fuck vanity and beauty and dudes. me = excited.
love you like a cupid should,
lady a
p.s. why are you leaving manhatt, why brooklyn?
p.p.s. get the letter to me soon lady, 'cause here in texas, love styles, dreadlocks, and ladies are not loved they way they are back home.